Some of our available Konpa CDs:

Richie - 10 Ans plus tard
Artistes Varies - Konpagold Vol. 4
Artistes Varies
Djet-X - Ret Cezi
DP Express - Pale Pale Ou
DP Express
Mikaben - MKBN
Papillon - Live in Jacmel
Option - Konsyans
Chachou Boyz - Sa Nap Fe
Chachou Boyz
Nu Vice - Pale Ave'm
Nu Vice
Mixed CDs - Duvalier à Vie
Mixed CDs
Magnum Band - San Fwontiè
Magnum Band
Fahrenheit - Live 2005
Magnum Band - Sakalakawè
Magnum Band
Toto Laraque - Dix Doigts, Six Cordes, un Seul Toto
Toto Laraque
Sweet Micky - The Sweetest
Sweet Micky
The above titles are just some of the more popular CDs in our Konpa collection.
Please use the menu on the left for the bands or artists you are looking for,
or use our music search box on the right. The music search box accepts full or
partial names of bands, CDs, or even songs.
Give it a try, you might be surprised by what you find!


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