Tanbou Nan Lakou Brooklyn

$9.95 each

3 items in stock
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  1. Ounto (Spirit Of The Drum) Feat Erol Josue
  2. Kongo Piga DJol Yo Feat Jean Caze
  3. DAnbala Feat Buyu Ambroise, Jeff Ballard & Jean Ca
  4. Legba Nan Barye A - Feat Eddy Francois, James Germ
  5. Cecia Feat Eddy Bourjolly & Ugonna Okegwo
  6. Solo Tanbou Ti-Roro
  7. Seremoni Tiga Feat Dadi Beaubrun, Jean-Cleaude Gar
  8. Sa'm Fe Moun Yo, BonDye_ Feat ERol Josue
  9. Koze Tanbou'm
  10. Gede Drum-n-Bass Feat Dadi Beaubrun
  11. Sa'm Fe Moun Yo_ (Acoustic Reprise) Feat Erol Josu

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